Are bugs and slow delivery ok?
The majority of the IT industry operates with low-quality development and survives. However, there are companies where quality is not an option.
High quality is NOT for everyone.
Does it make sense for your company?
We’ve compiled a checklist of questions to find out the answer.

95% of companies can survive with low quality
Quality standards in the software development industry are generally quite low. Quality is a nice-to-have, something on the wishlist. But quality is not a must-have. The following are some symptoms that you don’t need high quality:
Bugs are ok. When a bug occurs, the impact is small. There isn’t any major financial loss no reputation loss no legal/regulatory risk.
Slow bug fix delivery is ok. If the bug fix gets delivered in a week or month, it doesn’t matter that much. It can wait. There isn’t much of a loss.
Slow feature delivery is ok. It doesn’t matter if new features are delivered rarely. Business complains and wants faster, but they accept the slowness.
Wasting time is ok. Developers spend most of their day manually debugging the code and fixing regression bugs – it’s ok.
Burnout is ok. The team is working overtime, facing stress and health problems. Delivery is unsustainable. More mistakes are made. But, it’s ok. When the team gets burned out, the developers can be replaced.
5% of companies can NOT compromise on quality
Financial Services & Payments Processing
Manufacturing & Industrial Automation
Logistics, Warehouse & Retail
What’s the impact:
Bugs are NOT ok. Even one bug has a high cost. The cost may involve financial losses, and reputation losses – leading to loss of customers, hence revenue loss as well as lawsuits.
Slow bug fix delivery is NOT ok. In case a bug is discovered in production, the customer expects a fix ASAP. Every minute that passes by is costly.
Slow feature delivery is NOT ok. The market is competitive. When the business has high-priority features, they don’t want to wait for months to release.
Wasting time is NOT ok. The company does not want the team to do repetitive manual work. It is unacceptable to spend most of the day debugging and fixing regression bugs when that could be prevented through automated tests.
Burnout is NOT ok. The company’s product is so critical, that sustainable delivery must be ensured. Heroism and firefighting are not an option.
Should you invest in software quality?
For 95% of companies, the answer is: No.
These companies survive fine with low quality, there is NO business incentive to invest in quality at all. Quality will just remain a nice-to-have, but low on the priority list. Sometimes the company may invest in technical improvements – but they will remain as just wishlists and no actual change will occur.
For 5% of companies, the answer is: Yes.
These companies can NOT compromise on quality. Either the company will ensure high quality standards or the business will close down. There is no choice. Quality is a must-have. This means there is a business imperative for quality.
Unlocking Quality Software in 2024: A Striver Solution
Q: How can companies in the 5% bracket ensure top-notch software quality?
A: Striver offers a direct route! Skip the trial-and-error phase with our tailored Technical Coaching. Transform your real product in months, not years.
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